I like the notion of using social networking to promote library profiles. At the public library where I used to work we had a MySpace page and used blogs to invite feedback from clients, particularly those in the youth client group. I think this enhances the idea that libraries are for everyone. They are a welcoming cultural institution and can be like a "friend" in that they cheer us up and provide us with entertainment!
At the State Library social networking tools might be important as many of our clients are remote users and may not be able to visit the library "in person" very often. Having a MySpace or Facebook profile would mean clients could "keep in touch" with the State Library even when they are not visiting the physical space frequently. It might also encourage new clients to join via online advertising.
Completing the Learning 2.0 program has shown me there are many opportunities for interacting with clients online. I think social networking is useful for appealing to a younger demographic and for making remote clients feel they are part of the library in virtual space, even though they may not visit the physical space on a regular basis.