Wednesday, February 16, 2011

"If you ain't got nothing good to say..." (Week 14)

This week I posted my first tweet on Twitter. I have been an aspiring Twitter user since 2009. Learning 2.1 has encouraged me to open an account and I am a little pleased with myself for finally taking up the challenge!

I am following a number of feminist tweets as well as Mosman Library and Camden Council. I think the idea of Councils posting tweets to ratepayers has put the fun into local government :) I also like the readers suggestions at Mosman Library. It opens up the public library to a more divergent community.

Here is a link to me @AMoodiLibrarian below:!/AMoodiLibrarian

As I don't have an iphone nor internet access at home I don't imagine I will use Twitter for anything other than posting tweets about the Family History desk :) I promise to keep you updated on our historical happenings...

Sunday, February 13, 2011

"Second Time Around..." (Week 13)

I have changed the background of this blog to reflect a new set of ideas and a new beginning. This year I am completing the State Library of NSW Learning 2.1 program.

I named this blog after a character from one of my favourite books,The Hours. I am re-learning that literature is still among the reasons I love libraries in a professional as well as a recreational sense. Libraries save us money. They entertainment and delight us. They are people spaces;green-thinking, recyclable information outlets.

When I travel I like to visit libraries & museums. I have just returned from a shoppping tour of Wellington, New zealand. Here is a picture of the menu at The Library Bar on Courtenay Place, Wellington. I recommend the Lime Mousse and Gin Semifreddo with pistachio sponge & limoncello syrup. Worth a try :)