I joined Feedburner and set up a google alert for where I live as well as for where I used to live and for the State Library of NSW. At this point I feel I am seeking alerts for information simply for the sake of completing this program and I am not able to organise or synthesise them properly.
This said, I (re)discovered Camden Council Library's "Camden Reads" blog. http://camdenreads.blogspot.com/
Through this I found "365 days of a library" a Flickr photostream of events and happenings at Narellan Library. I thought this was a great idea and reflects Narellan Library as a vibrant, happy and creative community space.
I am still not sure how to make the Google alert system work for me and my blog, though. I like the idea of having one information centre, like a blog, in which to collect, disperse and store information as opposed to a more diffuse system where information is collected and stored in a number of different places, each with their own space and password and demand for digital time.