Sunday, November 9, 2008

RSS Feeds

RSS feeds could be useful for librarians who rely on blogs for insights into the library world and to get an idea of how other libraries are using Web 2.0 tools. I can see how condensing information from blogs (like those attached to news sites) into one "storage" area is an effective form of information management. However, I think there is potential for information overload - it is still necessary to sort through all the feeds and pick out what is useful to you.

RSS feeds might be a good way to keep library users up to speed with developments to a library's website. This would be particularly pertinent to the State Library as the homepage is constantly changing. I noted that many university libraries are using RSS feeds to keep users informed of developments like adding new books to the collection.

1 comment:

slnsw_learning_2.0 said...

RSS feeds can be an amazing both for receiving information and being able to provide information to those who are interested.

Ellen (PLS)