Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Video Online

For this week's exercise I searched YouTube and Google Video for "State Library" and came up with some interesting results, including a number of videos combining dance and the state library! I liked how Sacremento State Library were using online video to provide virtual tours of the building and introduce potential users or eye-spies to the services offered at the library. I think this is a good way of heightening the library's profile and welcoming people to the space. It would certainly make the first visit less daunting and less confusing so perhaps this is something that we could use here as well. Similarly I also enjoyed taking a tour of the Russian State Library online, however, the footage kept stopping and starting, indicating that one of the drawbacks of online video can be poor quality. I am embedding the video from Sacremento as an example of how State Library's have used this technology in a professional manner.

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